Recipe: Easy soft rolls

I thought this morning with mother’s day and all, it would be nice to have some fresh baked bread. As you might know, I like easy recipes and easy food and when I make I apply the same rules…


500g bread flour
5g salt
30g sugar
10g instant yeast
250ml water
30ml oil

How I do it! 

Prepare all ingredients and mix the flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Add the water and oil. and knead the dough for 10 – 15 minutes, either by hand or now that I am adult I have my kitchen aid 🙂 It has made my bread making so much easier.


Put the dough to rest in a warm and not draughty area, covered with kitchen cloth for 10 minutes. Make your soft rolls and leave to rest for 45 minutes.

Heat the oven to 220c and put a bit of egg wash and sesame seeds if you want on the rolls, if you wish.

Bake for 10-13 minutes till they sound hollow.

Et Voilà!

Nothing makes me more happy than when my little girl makes me a card and brings me flowers from the garden!


8 thoughts on “Recipe: Easy soft rolls

  1. Mmmm, fresh baked bread is delicious. 🙂 And the flowers and card are so sweet. My son’s special gift to me this morning was getting ready for the day and cleaning his room without being asked–so sweet ❤

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  2. Don’t you know you can buy rolls in a tin call? 🙂 I’d love to taste them but yep, tin pilsbury is a safer bet for me 🙂 the family is impressed when I manage not to burn the bag of muffin mix when you literally “just add water” ha!


    1. making bread is always a scary thing i think! I am always so impressed when the yeast starts working and the bread gets bigger 😀 It is actually very therapeutic! You can also get bread machines, they do everything for you and you wake up to fresh bread!!

      Liked by 1 person

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